International GCSE Prep
Gr.10 - 11
The International GCSE Preparation Course on Tate World prepares students to write their International GCSE exams as independent candidates at a Registered Cambridge centre.
Before starting this course you have to consider the following:
- Subjects
- Timeline
- Exam Centre
English and Mathematics are compulsory subjects. Afrikaans is compulsory if the student wants to attend a South African University. A total of six subjects must be taken as a minimum, but more can be chosen. Subject choices from Tate World are Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Computer Science, Economics, Accounting and Business Studies. (We are continuously developing our offering and will add more subjects as time goes on.)
The International GCSE Prep course on Tate World is 18 months long and it is divided into 3 semesters. This prepares students well for writing the exam, including working through the textbooks and doing revision. The option of sending in revision tasks to be marked by qualified teachers gets added during semester 3.
Even though Tate World is built so that students can work at their own pace, we do recommend that students try to stick as close as possible to the 18 months. This is to ensure the material stays fresh in their minds, and also because Cambridge updates their curriculum often, which is the next important consideration.
Cambridge updates its curriculum every couple of years to stay relevant and up-to-date with research. This causes changes in the course content and textbooks. The best way to deal with this is to choose when you want to write the exam when you start the course. If you tell us when you want to write the exam we can guide you to the correct course and textbooks.
Something else to consider is that you have to complete all your exams within a year. Cambridge has two exam sittings - May and October.
For example:
1) If a student writes their exams in May 2024 and there is a subject they don't pass, they can rewrite this subject in October 2024. All their results are accepted because all the exams were written within a year.
2) A student can plan to divide their exam into two sittings, like writing some subjects in May 2024 and then writing the others in Oct 2024. However, if there is a subject that this student doesn't pass and wants to rewrite in May 2025, they lose their results from May 2024. Therefore, it is not recommended to divide your exams into two sittings from the get-go.
Exam Centre:
There are Registered Exam Centres all over the world. You can go to this website to find their locations. Please make sure that this centre says YES to accepting private candidates. Contact your nearest centre as soon as you start the course to find out how the booking and payment process works. You will have to pay them a fee separate from Tate World to ensure your spot at the exam centre.
Read this document to learn more about University entrance in South Africa and Cambridge.